FaultySD-cardmightbeastrongreasonbehindthisproblem,soformattheSD-cardandtheninsertitinyourphonetofindoutiftheproblemisreducedtosomeextent.Take a backupofallthedatabeforeformatting.
the bloatware and background processes in your Galaxy S4 as sometimes
it is the software to be blamed for such overheating issue and not the
battery. In case the high number of background processes keeps running
in the background continuously, it normally results in overheating of
the battery and fast battery drain as well. Find bloatware apps and
disable them and stop background processes. Also, go to the Settings
> More > Battery to check what are the apps that are utilizing
unusual amount of battery and delete them from the device.
Closethe appsthatyouarenotusingasmanyapps that run atatimecanoverheatyourphone.Butifyoudon’tnoticeanychangeafterclosingtheapps,thenitmightbeahardwareproblem,andyouhavetocontacttheservicecenter.
Water damage canalsocreatethisoverheatingissue.Ifthisisthecase,theservicecenteristheonlywaytogetridofthisissue.
IfthephoneisgettingheatedwhileusingearpiecethenyouneedtoputyourphoneinCPUpowersavingmode.ForthatgotoSettings > MyDevice > enablePowersavingmode. Nowyouneedtoclickonthepower-savingmodetabanditwillopenanewpage.Thereyouwillseethreeoptions,amongthemCPUpowersavingtab that needstobeturned on.
Once upon a time, in order to take a screenshot on an Android phone, you had to install the Android developer tools. These days, you can take screenshots on phones running Android 4.0 or later with the press of a couple buttons. On most Android phones, you can take a screenshot by holding down the Sleep/wake button and the volume-down button simultaneously. Hold these buttons down until your screen flashes. The process differs on some phone models, though. For example, on Samsung’s Galaxy phones—and select phones from other manufacturers that feature a home button—hold down the power button and the home button until the screen flashes, as pictured above. If your Android phone has a home button, and if the standard Android method doesn’t work, then try this power-home button combination. To view your screenshot, go to the Gallery app, then look for the “Screenshot” album. Tap it to open it, then tap the screenshot you took to view that screenshot. Press the Share button—re...
Your iphone, iPad, or iPod touch all have a built-in speaker system that allows you to hear sounds when you play videos, music, or take phone calls. Although some devices have more speakers than others, that’s not to say that you will never have a problem with any of them. Speakers may malfunction, or user error may lead to problems with the device’s settings that make sound inaudible. In this tutorial, we’ll give you some troubleshooting tips to follow if you can’t hear the sound coming out of your IOS device. Some reasons you can’t hear your iOS device & how to fix There are a myriad of reasons why you might be experiencing issues hearing your iPhone, whether it’s related to ringtones, videos and music, or it sounds muffled. We’ll try to cover a few main aspects of why this happens, and then we’ll give you some tips on how to troubleshoot. Some of the reasons you might be experiencing sound issues are: Your iPhone may be stuck in silent mode Problem: If ...
Android can do a lot for you-but you have to know where to begin. Compared to the iPhone's cut-and-dried interface, the Android operating system gives you ample room for customization and control. Here's a step-by-step guide to making the most of your Android phone's many features. When you power up your phone for the first time, you'll see the main homescreen panel. This panel is typically centered, and you can access additional panels on either side of the main one by swiping your finger left or right. What goes on the homescreens is up to you. You can fill the space with any combination of shortcuts, widgets, and folders. As you'd expect, short-cuts are small icons that let you load apps or other functions on your phone; they function much like the ones you see on a PC desktop. You can set a shortcut to do anything from opening a program to linking to a specific Web page to initiating a phone call. To add a shortcut, simply press and hold your...
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